"The Great Space Coaster" (1981-1986)
'The Great Space Coaster' was an American musical children t.v series that ran for 5 seasons from 1981 to 1986. The show, in which every epsiode taught the young viewers a life lesson along with animated shorts and music numbers, featured 3 singers- Francine, Danny and Roy- who are taken from earth to Coasterville by Baxter (a clown on the run from his evil ring master) on his spaceship, the "space coaster"
The other creatures on Coasterville were Knock Knock the woodpecker, Goriddle Gorilla, Edison, an elephant like creature and Gary Gnu, who served as Coasterville's newscaster and weatherman.
The series was created by Kermit Love (who did design work for Jim Henson) and Jim Davis (who voiced Gary Gnu and went on to be a puppeteer in 'Seasame Street'). Goriddle Gorilla was voiced by Kevin Clash, who was Elmo's puppeteer on 'Seasame Street' from 1985 to 2012).
In Nigeria, it aired on NTA 10, NTA 2 and LTV in the 80s.
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