Armchair Thriller (1978- 1981)

Armchair Thriller was a British mystery anthology series that aired for 2 seasons,  produced by Thames Television. Between the 80s and 90s, it aired on NTA Channel 10 and NTA 2 Channel 5 after the night news. The series is known for its chilling theme music and intro sequence, where a shadowy figure appears to sit on a white armchair.


Each story was an adaptation of novels, novellas and short stories. The most memorable story in the series was Antonia Fraser's "Quiet As A Nun", about a journalist who returns to her alma mater; a Catholic girls school,  to investigate the death of a nun (her old school mate)  whose body was found in a locked room in a ruined tower. The  students tell the heroine about  an eerie spectre-like creature they call  the Black Nun, which wanders the grounds at night when a death is about to occur and it was last seen before Sister Miriam's death... 

Other stories included "Rachel in Danger", "A Dog's Ransom", "The Limbo Connection" and "Dying Day". 

The series is available on DVD. 


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